Impact of Digital Technology on Reading Comprehension




digital technology, reading comprehension, digital divide, educational quality


Currently, school teaching focuses considerably on strengthening reading comprehension, given its crucial role in learning various academic disciplines; However, it is essential to recognize that improving this skill is not achieved solely by the desire to do so; rather, it requires the implementation of specific strategies; as well as being able to use technology, which is important but in some cases is impossible due to access. By virtue of this need, the present study focuses on examining a set of official documents that in recent years introduced digital technologies in Peru, with the objective of evaluating their importance, access, coverage or contribution to a major problem in our country. country, such as reading comprehension. This study is based on a document analysis approach and ethnographic educational research of an exploratory, descriptive and bibliographic type in certain sources and documentaries. The findings revealed that in our country digital technology is being used comprehensively, standing out as a fundamental resource to enhance reading comprehension; However, there is still a wide digital gap that limits the work to be done, causing certain inequalities and failing to prioritize the right to education. It is concluded that the situation of reading comprehension in Peru is still critical, despite the fact that some progress is observed in the latest PISA 2022 evaluation. However, the country persists in its efforts to promote and reinforce the habit of reading. from home, through the support of digital technology. This approach aims to turn reading into an interactive experience, providing personalized, attractive, colorful and rich in stories of discovery digital platforms for both children and their families; as well as trying to encourage reading by holding different contests at the national level integrating the use of ICTs.


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How to Cite

Martínez-Vivar, S. J. . (2024). Impact of Digital Technology on Reading Comprehension. UCV-Scientia, 16(1), 55–66.

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