The Virtual Platform and student academic performance during the pandemic: A systematic review




Virtual platform, academic performance, students, Covid19 pandemic, systematic review


The article presented is a systematic review to be able to answer questions such as: What are the reflections on the implementation of virtual platforms during the COVID-19 pandemic? and What role do virtual platforms play in student academic performance?, with the objective: to determine the role of virtual platforms in student academic performance during the pandemic. Material and method: this study is a systematic review of 16 articles that presents a qualitative approach, with a non-experimental, bibliographic methodology. To collect the information, the search process was carried out in two phases for data coding, the PRISMA flow diagram was performed. Conclusions: Virtual platforms must be created according to the student’s needs to facilitate the teaching and learning process with an inclusive approach. 34% of students resist change since the virtual environment is colder, adapting to this new form of learning being slower. 81% of students affirm that there is frequently a bad internet signal, making the teaching and learning process difficult.


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How to Cite

Horna, L. E. . (2022). The Virtual Platform and student academic performance during the pandemic: A systematic review. UCV-Scientia, 14(1), 44–55.



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