Age and growth of Paralonchurus peruanus “suco” from artisanal fisheries in the region La Libertad, from February to December 2014


  • María Haro Rodriguez Universidad Nacional de Trujillo, Perú
  • Bilmia Veneros Urbina Instituto del Mar del Perú, Perú
  • Carlos Goicochea Vigo Instituto del Mar del Perú, Perú



Paralonchurus peruanus, Age, Increase, Freedom


The objective of this research was to determine the age and growth of Paralonchurus peruanus "coco" by interpreting growth rings in 491 pairs of sagitta otolith, from artisanal fisheries in the region La Libertad from February to December 2014. Analysis microincrement was found that the frequency of formation of growth rings was annual. A key size-old was drafted, finding no significant differences between sexes. Also, 8 age (3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10), of which predominated the three years was obtained. Ages distribution was obtained. The relationship between total fish length and the total otolith radius was linear and the overall length ratio of total weight was potential with b = 2.9, presenting an allometric growth.



How to Cite

Haro Rodriguez, M., Veneros Urbina, B., & Goicochea Vigo, C. (2018). Age and growth of Paralonchurus peruanus “suco” from artisanal fisheries in the region La Libertad, from February to December 2014. UCV-Scientia, 10(1), 52–62.

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