Efficiency of public expenditure in the coverage and quality of regular basic education. UGEL, La Libertad Region, 2013


  • Daphne Jannet Timaná Palacios Universidad César Vallejo, Perú




Public expenditure, Quality and educational coverage, Envelopment analysis


Education in Peru has made significant progress in terms of coverage, especially in Primary School Education, but there are serious problems in terms of quality of instruction, since most primary school students do not achieve the expected learning outcomes. The objective of this article is to evaluate the efficiency of public expenditure in the quality and coverage of Regular Basic Education in the UGELs of La Libertad Region in 2013. The unit of analysis was the UGEL and the study comprised 12 UGELs. The data source was the Ministry of Education. The explanatory study with causal design evaluated the efficiency of public expenditure in education through data envelopment analysis. The efficiency reached 50% of the UGELs, both in the coverage of Pre-school Education and in the quality of Primary School Education.



How to Cite

Timaná Palacios, D. J. (2018). Efficiency of public expenditure in the coverage and quality of regular basic education. UGEL, La Libertad Region, 2013. UCV-Scientia, 10(1), 13–23. https://doi.org/10.18050/RevUcv-Scientia.v10n1a1

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