Audiodescription and accessibility to film material for people with visual impairment in Trujillo




Audio description, visual impairment, accessibility, film material


The aim of the study was to determine the impact of audiodescription on the accessibility of film material for people with visual impairment under a quasi-experimental study with a quantitative approach. The survey was used as a technique and a questionnaire was applied to a sample of 26 members of the Luis Braille Regional Association of the Blind, obtaining as a result that 87% of the participants in the projection of the audiodescribed film had a high level of accessibility to the cinematographic material while the people who were exposed to the original film (without audiodescription) obtained lower percentages regarding the gathering and understanding of the information.



How to Cite

Silva Infanti, A., Flores Arréstegui, A., & Duran Llaro, K. L. (2019). Audiodescription and accessibility to film material for people with visual impairment in Trujillo. UCV-Scientia, 11(2), 103–112.



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