Initial Proposal of an Explanatory Model of the Sense of Life in University Students




meaning of life, subjective happiness, life satisfaction, structural model


The purpose of this study was to examine an explanatory model of the meaning of life based on subjective happiness and life satisfaction in young university students in Tacna. A non-probabilistic convenience sampling was carried out, recruiting 150 participants between 18 and 34 years of age in the city of Tacna. Three measurement instruments were applied: the Sense of Life test, the Subjective Happiness Scale and the Satisfaction with Life Scale. The results revealed that the model varied according to the estimator used, the most appropriate being the WLSMV, which showed acceptable indexes (X2/gl=0.19; CFI=1.00; TLI=1.02; PFNI=0.79; SRMR=0.03; RMSEA=0.00), making it the most appropriate option. In addition, some values higher than one were observed, possibly attributable to the amount of data used in the analysis. Consequently, it is concluded that both subjective happiness and life satisfaction act as predictors of meaning in life.


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How to Cite

Quispe Hurtado, C. S., Yanapa Vilca, S. B., Hancco Ninaja, S. L., & Blanco Alave, S. (2024). Initial Proposal of an Explanatory Model of the Sense of Life in University Students. PsiqueMag, 13(1), 57–67.



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