Psychometric properties of the scale of personality creative (EPC) in students of primary level


  • Giuliana del Pilar D’Angelo Reyes Universidad César Vallejo, Lima, Perú


Creativity, Validity, Reliability and Percentile standards


The present technological type research aimed to determine the psychometric properties of the Creative Personality Scale created by Maite Garaigordobil, which worked with a student population of 764 students belonging to seven private educational institutions in Trujillo District, who were enrolled in 2015 in fifth or sixth grade and their ages ranged between 10 and 12 years. To calculate the sample was used the stratified probability sampling, being made up of 445 students whose responses were processed through the statistics descriptive and inferential type. The results obtained showed that the scale’s items possess high validity in the linguistic content, having been subjected five items to linguistic adaptation, showing values Aiken’s V above at .80. In the same way, the correlation values obtained a coefficient greater than .20 referring to possess significant construct validity. In addition, the reliability of the instrument and its respective areas (identification and problems solutions, invention and art, openness, intellectual games and, fantasy and imagination), was found through internal consistency throwing values of Cronbach’s Alpha of .817 and Spearman Brown of .827 demonstrating it possess a high magnitude. In this research, arise also, percentile standards according to gender and the corresponding cut-off points of the Creative Personality Scale.


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How to Cite

D’Angelo Reyes, G. del P. . (2016). Psychometric properties of the scale of personality creative (EPC) in students of primary level. Revista De Investigación De Estudiantes De Psicología "JANG&Quot;, 5(1), 6–31. Retrieved from



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