Effect of concentration and residence time of Rhizobium Sp in biodegradar cyanide of effluent minero El Toro, Huamachuco 2017
Biodegradation, Cyanide, Concentration, Residence time, Rhizobium SpAbstract
The present investigation evaluated the effect of concentration and residence time of Rhizobium Sp in the biodegradation of cyanide, from the El Toro, Huamachuco mining effluent, with a concentration of 183ppm, where two study variables were considered; Rhizobium Sp concentration (CFU / mL) and residence time of Rhizobium Sp (hours), applying a bifactorial design with three replications. The biodegradation was carried out in a heating plate (by agitation), the samples contained microorganism concentrations of 3x108 CFU / mL, 6x108 CFU / mL and 9x108 CFU / mL in residence times of 24, 48 and 72 hours, these solutions They were worked at pH 8.5 and at room temperature.
After applying the statistical analysis (Tukey and Duncan) of the experimental results obtained, it was concluded that the concentration and residence time of Rhizobium Sp had a significant effect on the biodegradation of cyanide, having as a best result an 85.37% cyanide biodegradation. (from 183ppm to 26.78ppm), at a microorganism concentration of 9x108 CFU / mL and at the microorganism's residence time of 72 hours.
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