Social support and academic procrastination tendency for students working on thesis, COVID-19 context




The COVID-19 pandemic had several negative impacts, including delaying the thesis completion, which has increased compared to before the pandemic. This study aims to determine the relationship between social support and academic procrastination in students working on their thesis during the pandemic. There were 161 participants, and the purposive sampling technique was used. Furthermore, this study used a quantitative design with a correlational method. The hypothesis proposed a significant negative relationship between these students' social support and academic procrastination. Furthermore, the Tuckman Procrastination Scale and the Interpersonal Support Evaluation List were employed. Also, the data analysis was conducted using Statistical Product and Service Solutions (SPSS) version 24 for Windows. Before testing the hypothesis, several statistical tests were carried out, such as the assumption test, which included the normality and linearity test. The results showed a significant negative relationship between social support and academic procrastination in the students, and the correlation coefficient value obtained wasr = -0.380 and p = 0.000 (p <0.05). This indicates that the higher the level of social support obtained by students, the lower the academic procrastination behavior carried out, and vice versa. Therefore, the hypothesis in this study is accepted.

Keywords: Social Support; Academic Procrastination; Final Year Students working on thesis.


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How to Cite

Anin Sari, A., & Ayu Kusumaningrum, F. (2022). Social support and academic procrastination tendency for students working on thesis, COVID-19 context. Espergesia, 9(2), 34–43.