Obesity and polycystic ovary syndrome in patients of a medical center, Trujillo, 2021
PCOS, obesity, BMI, hyperandrogenism, oligoovulationAbstract
Polycystic ovary syndrome is a syndrome of ovarian dysfunction, more frequent in reproductive age and may be related to metabolic diseases, such as obesity. Therefore, the general objective is to determine the relationship between Obesity and PCOS in patients from a medical center, Trujillo, 2021. For this, we worked with 68 clinical records of female patients with a diagnosis of PCOS from a Medical Center of Trujillo in the period from October 1, 2020 to October 31, 2021, through a census sampling. The data were collected, by means of the observation technique, and the document analysis guide was used as an instrument. Then, they were processed through the SPSS application, in which the development of contingency tables and the obtaining of Chi Square were used. Finally, in the results obtained, it can be seen that, of the 56 female patients diagnosed with PCOS, 13,3% presented Obesity. In turn, 42,7% with said diagnosis did not present Obesity, therefore, as the bilateral asymptotic significance value 0,321 > 0,05 we accept the null hypothesis of the relationship between the PCOS variable and the Obesity variable. In conclusion, obesity is not significantly related to PCOS in patients from a medical center, Trujillo, 2021.
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