Dental prostheses and pathologies in older adults in a health center, Trujillo – 2021
adaptation of dental prostheses, pathologies of the oral mucosa, older adultsAbstract
The present investigation held as a general objective to correlate the adaptation of dental prostheses and the pathologies of the oral mucosa in elderly patients treated in a health center. The type of research was basic, relational level, also has a non-experimental design with a cross-section. Through probability sampling, the sample consisted of 60 older adults with dental prostheses treated in the dentistry office of a health center in the city of Trujillo. The technique used was the survey technique, its instrument being the questionnaire, which was previously validated by experts in the field. Concluding that: there is a correlation between the adaptation of the prosthesis and the pathologies since it resulted in 0,000 in its chi square, an amount less than the 0,05 level of significance. Likewise, it is realized that the level of correlation is high, since the result of the contingency coefficient was 0,666, suggesting that, if there is a poor adaptation of dental prostheses, greater pathologies will result in the oral mucosa of older adults.
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