Game as a strategy to develop counting skills in three-year-olds




Playful games, Counting ability, Stimulation


In this scientific information, it was proposed to determine the influence of games on the stimulation of counting skills in three-year-old children of the Institución Educativa Inicial N°120 Niño de Jesús. Quantitative approach with a preexperimental design - applied equally, the sample population was made up of 22 infants, as well as non-probabilistic sampling was used, and as a data collection technique for systematic observation, the data found were recorded in a tab instrument. observation to evaluate the counting ability, which was made up of five dimensions with a total of 10 items developed by Hernández 2019, which was validated through the judgment of two experts who mentioned that the instrument was acceptable and suitable to be applied. In the same way, it had a reliability of 0.70, which confirms that it reliably measures counting skill. In the same way, the Wilcoxon test was used, which gave a result of p-value less than 0.05, which leads to the conclusion that the proposed workshop “I learn by playing” improves the counting skill in three-year-old children. the Educational Institution N°120 Niño de Jesús, Chiclayo, then the difficulty indices of the counting skill are effectively reduced.


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How to Cite

Aguilar Panta, S. L., Calle Yasumura, A. R., Tocto Tomapasca, C., & Nazario Urbina, M. R. D. C. (2024). Game as a strategy to develop counting skills in three-year-olds. UCV Hacer, 13(2), 40–55.



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