Work absenteeism. Determining factors in the care staff of a hospital in Lima




Ausentismo laboral, Condiciones de trabajo, Satisfacción en el trabajo


Objective: To determine the influence of 11 determinants in the work absenteeism of health professionals. Materials and methods: Quantitative research, causal correlational design. The sample was probabilistic, and its size was 137 people who work in hospital care. The data collection technique was the survey and the instrument a validated questionnaire with strong reliability. Results: The eleven determinants of work absenteeism in the sample size studied are two personal factors such as a family illness (p= 0.033<0.05) and work in other places (p= 0.032<0.05), three factors such as work content the work environment (p= 0.030<0.05), staff distribution (p= 0.006<0.05) and help from colleagues (p= 0.041<0.05), four workplace
factors such as health (p= 0.008<0.05) , biosafety equipment (p= 0.001<0.05), lighting (p= 0.006<0.05) and ventilation (p= 0.001<0.05), two specific and cultural factors such as participation in decision-making (p= 0.031<0.05) and commitment and interest in their work (p= 0.001<0.05). Conclusions: work absenteeism is a phenomenon influenced by at least 11 factors.
Keywords: work absenteeism, working conditions, job satisfaction.


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How to Cite

Jerónimo Brandevich, J. L. (2023). Work absenteeism. Determining factors in the care staff of a hospital in Lima. UCV Hacer, 12(2), 64–75.



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