Use of activities and materials by teachers of virtual education programs and at a distance in economics




Aprendizaje y enseñanza, TIC en educación, Educación virtual, Educación a distancia, Conocimientos del profesor


This paper analyzes trends in the use of materials by teachers in virtual and distance education. These are located in concepts of the teacher's work, focusing on the activities and resources used by teachers. These aspects were characterized in an online questionnaire, to which 108 teachers of virtual and distance education programs between 25 and 67 years old, with an average age of 41 years, responded. According to the exploratory factor analysis, the aspects investigated were grouped into four components: problem solving, web surfing, exposing grounded positions and collective work results. These aspects are discussed and the need to relate them in future research with the teacher's activity and the students' preferences in the
use of resources is highlighted.

Keywords: learning and teaching, ICT in education, virtual education, distance education, teacher's
knowledge, teacher's knowledge.


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How to Cite

RINCÓN-BÁEZ, W. U., & ARIAS-VELANDIA, N. (2023). Use of activities and materials by teachers of virtual education programs and at a distance in economics. UCV Hacer, 12(1), 93–101.



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