Pure environmental damage and environmental liability for sugar cane burning





Contaminación ambiental, Daño ambiental, Daño patrimonial, Derecho ambiental, Responsabilidad ambiental


Perceptions of environmental damage and environmental liability resulting from environmental pollution caused by the burning of sugar cane in Casa Grande, Peru, were analysed using the current legal framework. The strategy was quantitative, using a questionnaire (α: 0.947) to 100 lawyers residing in Ascope with expertise in environmental law. Descriptive statistics were calculated and the relationship between variables was established with Spearman's Rho test. The results showed the existence of the necessary elements to typify environmental damage based on the normative framework and to be able to prove environmental liability for economic and moral damage. The hypothesis test confirms a positive and significant relationship between the variables (Rho p-value=0.000). The discrimination by dimensions is consistent with the above (Rho p-value= ≤ 0.05). The perceptions of the lawyers and the relationships that are established support the public claim and the need for a formal push before the State in order to be able to initiate lawsuit procedures and to establish with precision the sanctions and reparations for damages that may be due. The work opens a new window on the need for empowerment of those affected in terms of the legal mechanisms available to them in the Peruvian legal system to claim their rights to a healthy environment and an effective quality of life.
Keywords: Environmental pollution, environmental damage, patrimonial damage, environmental law, environmental liability.


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How to Cite

ESTRADA MACALUPU, C., ROJAS LUJAN, . V. W., REYES, V. M., SEQUERA MORALES, A. G., & ROJAS JIMENEZ, J. R. (2022). Pure environmental damage and environmental liability for sugar cane burning. UCV Hacer, 11(4), 33–40. https://doi.org/10.18050/RevUCVHACER.v11n4a3



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