Influence of internal control in the financial management of micro and small companies in the district of Tarapoto




The objective of the research is to determine the influence of internal control on the Financial Management of micro and small businesses in the District of Tarapoto, for which a quantitative, correlational, and nonexperimental design approach was taken, surveying 67 micro companies of said district, and in which the following main general result was obtained: A positive Rho Spearman influence coefficient of 0.392 was obtained, and a p-value equal to 0.001 (p-value < 0.05), this result allows accepting the alternative hypothesis, which indicates that there is influence of Internal Control in the Financial Management of micro and small companies in the District of Tarapoto. Reaching the following general conclusion: The influence is positive since there is a direct influence in the sense that improving internal control also improves the financial management of micro and small businesses in the Tarapoto District.
Keywords: Internal control, financial management, control environment, risk assessment.


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2022-07-25 — Updated on 2022-07-25


How to Cite

LOZANO ARMAS, C., EGUSQUIZA RAMIREZ, R. V., & LOMAS PIZANGO, L. (2022). Influence of internal control in the financial management of micro and small companies in the district of Tarapoto. UCV Hacer, 11(3), 49–55.



Research Articles