Actitudes sociales de limeños ante el confinamiento por la pandemia de COVID-19 en 2020




Vida social, Valores morales, SARS-CoV-2, Solidaridad, Actitudes sociales


The general objective of this research was: to know the adaptive and non-adaptive social attitudes at home and neighborhood facing the COVID-19 quarantine in Lima citizens; being the population 9,674,755 inhabitants who live in the Lima region in 2020, from there 20 adults Lima citizens were interviewed between men and women via Facebook due to confinement, from September to November 2020. There is no inference with the sample in this research because of this is an exploratory level study. The method was observational, with a qualitative approach, the sampling was by snowball, the investigated variable was the social attitudes that are divided in adaptive and non-adaptive social attitudes; and categorical analysis was done with graphs, conceptual maps and tables, as it was done in part with the Atlas.ti software as making the word clouds. As adaptive social attitudes we have that the interviewees knew information about COVID-19 to apply it and take care of themselves, the use of a mask and social distancing in the neighborhood were complied with, people projected themselves with ideas for their economy and their family, and moral values practiced were solidarity, respect and patience at home. As results, it was also obtained that the non-adaptive social attitudes consisted that the interviewees used the smartphone and social networks more as dehumanization at home and neighborhood, and it is believed that they did not live with tranquility, joy and happiness in their family.

Keywords: Social life, moral values, capital city of Perú, SARS-CoV-2, solidarity, social attitudes.



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How to Cite

CUADROS DEL CARPIO, J. A. (2022). Actitudes sociales de limeños ante el confinamiento por la pandemia de COVID-19 en 2020. UCV Hacer, 11(3), 21–32.



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