Effect of the nutritional program “Wawathani” on the consumption of healthy snacks in schoolchildren
Refrigerio escolar, Programa nutricionalAbstract
School snacks are one of the main evidences of the type of food that children receive, therefore, nutritional intervention programs can contribute to an improvement in the presentation of school snacks through educational interventions. To evaluate the effect of the nutritional program "Wawathani" on the consumption of healthy snacks in schoolchildren who receive virtual classes at the Montessori school. Applied type, experimental design, quantitative approach, the sample consisted of 34 schoolchildren aged 3 to 5 years from the Montessori school, data collection was carried out by means of a checklist, using the Mcnemar test for the results. When evaluating the school snacks, it was determined that before the intervention the school snacks were unhealthy in 91.20% and 8.80% were healthy and at the end of the Wawathani nutritional program it was observed that the schoolchildren had a consumption of healthy snacks, reaching 79, 4%, followed by just 20.6% who had a consumption of unhealthy snacks. From the results obtained, we can conclude that: before the intervention, only 8.8% consumed healthy snacks and after the intervention, 79.4% of the schoolchildren who received virtual classes consumed healthy snacks.
Keywords: School snack, nutritional program.
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