The variables of online communities that influence the purchase of women's clothing




Recomendación online, Millennials, Decisión de compra, Moda


The search for online recommendations takes precedence over social networks, since these foster the creation of collaborative spaces, online communities, and the appearance of opinion leaders such as influencers, who influence the consumer's purchasing decision process (especially when it is women's clothing). This article presents the results of the research referred to the variables: the reciprocity of the community, the affective social distance, and the receptivity of the community in the online recommendation of women's clothing products in the social networks of Facebook and Instagram, in the women between the ages of 21 and 35 who reside in the districts of Surquillo, Barranco and San Juan de Miraflores in Metropolitan Lima. An investigation was carried out with a mixed approach, with quantitative and qualitative methodology, not probabilistic for convenience, a reliability analysis and different statistical analyzes such as Kolmogórov-Smirnov, confirmatory factor analysis and linear regression analysis. In turn, a descriptive and correlational study was used to determine the relationship between the variables and determine a predictable pattern in our segment of interest. A sample of 382 people and in-depth interviews with 4 fashion influencers/bloggers were taken. The research design is not experimental, transversal and transactional correlational - cause. It was concluded that there is a positive relationship between the reciprocity variables of the community, the affective social distance, and the receptivity of the community with the online recommendation of women's clothing products on Facebook and Instagram, in millennial women from Metropolitan Lima.
Keywords: Online recommendation, millennials, purchase decision, fashion.


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2022-06-03 — Updated on 2022-06-03


How to Cite

MENESES SALVATIERRA, G. Y., & SALDARRIAGA DIAZ, D. A. (2022). The variables of online communities that influence the purchase of women’s clothing. UCV Hacer, 11(2), 47–53.



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