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Bacterial biodiversity of red mangrove ecosystem microbiota Ecuador




Diversidad Chaguana, Ecosistema de mangle rojo, Cuenca baja del río Chaguana


In El Oro Province, it was determined to measure the bacterial biodiversity specifically in the lower basin of the Chaguana River in El Guabo Canton, for which the Shannon Wiener and Pielou Indices were used. Species of flora were identified in them; the number of specimens per species were recorded in a Microsoft Excel 2016 spreadsheet, saved with the csv extension delimited by commas. Species Diversity and Richtnes and PAST software were used to determine Alpha and Beta Biodiversity Indices. It was concluded that the most abundant families were Deltaproteobacteria; gammaproteobaceria; Chloroflexi, among others. The Shannon-Wiener index varied from 0.1895 in M4 to 3.367 in M19 with an average value of 1.084. The Pielou equity index ranged from 0.0557 in M4 to 0.99 in M19. The Q statistic ranged from 0 to 8.164. The Beta Biodiversity indices were: Whittaker Bw Index 1,594; Routledge Index Bi = 0.2884; Routledge Index Be= 1.334; Wilson & Schmida Index = 1.309 and Harrison Index1 =
3.182. The determined indices reached values that allow this area to be considered as one of high bacterial biodiversity.
Keywords: Chaguana diversity, red mangrove ecosystem, lower Chaguana river basin.




How to Cite

TORRES RIOS, W. C., VÁSQUEZ GARCÍA, Ántero C., REUPO PERICHE, J. T., GAMARRA GONZÁLES, J. del R., & CONDE MAZA, L. H. (2022). Bacterial biodiversity of red mangrove ecosystem microbiota Ecuador. UCV Hacer, 11(2), 11–18.



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