Application of data mining in open data from Ecuador: Crimes




Análisis de datos, Software de ordenador, Delincuencia, Reconocimiento de patrones


In recent years, Ecuador has seen a significant increase in various crimes, mainly homicides and robberies. The government and citizens must obtain, in a permanent and timely manner, significant data and information on the crimes committed, which will help in decision-making, in the definition of policies and strategies adjusted to the local environment, in order to reduce the levels of crime, which affects society and its development. This article proposes to make a recognition of the reality of open data in Ecuador on crime, and the process of data mining, using Pentaho and Orange. The process of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (KDD) was followed to develop the process of analysis of criminal data and the corresponding identification of patterns related to crime. This study identified the existence of a set of documents that provide legal support for the application of open data in public administration; however, limited official sources of crime-related open data were identified. Data was extracted and taken from the Ministry of Government, validating, through data mining tools, the potential usefulness for the exploration and detection of crime patterns and their consequent benefit in the decision making power of competent bodies.
Keywords: Data analysis, computer software, delinquency, pattern recognition.


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How to Cite

COLINA VARGAS, A. M., & ESPINOZA MINA, M. A. (2022). Application of data mining in open data from Ecuador: Crimes. UCV Hacer, 11(1), 79–93.



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