Pedagogical consultancy program for the development of the logical dimension of critical thinking in primary level teachers




Programa, Asesorías pedagógicas, Dimensión lógica, Pensamiento crítico


This study was carried out in order to determine the influence of a pedagogical advisory program for the development of the logical dimension of critical thinking in primary school teachers Ugel Otuzco, 2021. It was an applied research, hypothetical deductive method; It has been developed under the quantitative approach of quasi-experimental design in a sample of 45 teachers made up of two groups (22 teachers: experimental group and 23 teachers: control group). The Critical Thinking questionnaire was used and validated with the Lawshe test. The Kolmogorov-Smirnov normality test was applied, reaching the
following conclusion that the Program based on pedagogical consultancies significantly influences the development of the logical dimension of critical thinking in primary level teachers at Ugel Otuzco, 2021.
Keywords: Program, pedagogical consultancies, logical dimension, critical thinking.


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How to Cite

MEZA CARRASCO, D. P. (2021). Pedagogical consultancy program for the development of the logical dimension of critical thinking in primary level teachers. UCV Hacer, 10(4), 101–110.



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