Playful methologies to reinforce the engagement in the security person of a higher educational institution




Aiken’s V, Cronbach’s Alpha, Wilcoxon Test


This research had the general objective of demonstrating that the application of recreational methodologies will reinforce engagement in the security personnel of a Higher Educational Institution in the Lambayeque Region. The nature of the research was of a single-case, pre-experimental quantitative type, with an application study design, we worked with a population sample made up of 21 security agents. For statistics, descriptive and inferential statistics were used from the adapted evaluation instrument, "Engagement´s Test", made up of 27 items and three dimensions: absorption, dedication and vigor, which is supported by Humanist Theory and the Positivist Theory. The instrument was validated, thanks to the experts' criteria, in addition to using the item-test correlation validity, with a discrimination index (0.36 to 0.61); Also, Aiken's V (0.94) and instrument reliability were applied with Cronbach's Alpha (0.86). Together, the diagnosis was obtained (pre-test): obtaining: Low Level with (38%); the Medium Level with (52%); and the High Level with (10%). and continuing with the design of the program, and once this was applied, the post-test was obtained, which helped to verify the eradication of the low level, and obtain: a Medium Level with (52%), and a High Level with ( 48%). It should be added that, for the choice between the alternate and null hypotheses, the Wilcoxon Test (0.007) was applied; choosing thus, the Hi. Reaching a level of significance of p_value = 0.001 <0.05, affirming that the playful methodologies allowed to reinforce engagement in said personnel.


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How to Cite

Carrasco Tineo, C. D. ., & Carbajal Cornejo , K. . (2021). Playful methologies to reinforce the engagement in the security person of a higher educational institution. UCV Hacer, 10(2), 59–66.




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