Knowledge in use of condom and STD prevention, for users in “YES” stations. Inppares. Lima


  • Daniel Aspilcueta Gho Universidad César Vallejo, Lima, Perú
  • Jully Pahola Calderón Saldaña Universidad Inca Garcilazo de la Vega, Lima, Perú
  • Luis Alzamora De Los Godos Urcia Universidad Nacional Federico Villareal, Lima, Perú



STD, Condom, STD prevention


Acomparative study, explicative and retrospective type came true, which was accomplished in user's representative sample of stations YES among October and November of the 2002. This type comes into question, because it is tried to determine if the station YES ( in the past ) influenced the behavioural and his- knowledge in use change of the condom and STD prevention, for it himself I work with 724 young people's representative sample. They met like results than the project YES is a successful project, right now than comparing it to the base line, so much the new users like continuators have a better knowledge in relation to the job of the prophylactic and the STD. In the aspect at the same level as knowledge we can affirm so much the learning of new users and continuators of stations on the subject of infections of sexual transmission and use of condom, they did not show significant differences, so that efficacy in the first visitor he is deduced. As to the use of services for symptoms of infections of sexual transmission we can find than incremented him the use of the station YES as an alternative for a STD consultation. The use of prophylactics grows upon of significant form users continuators, if the fact is that this compares with new users, and with the base line, that shows a result of impact.


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How to Cite

Aspilcueta Gho, D., Calderón Saldaña, J. P., & Alzamora De Los Godos Urcia, L. (2007). Knowledge in use of condom and STD prevention, for users in “YES” stations. Inppares. Lima. Vallejian Medical Journal, 4(1), 54–62.


