Comparison of a structured objective evaluation (EMOE) with the traditional evaluation in the area of morphology of modulate II. school of Medicine


  • Jorge Iván Araujo Pajares Universidad César Vallejo, Lima, Perú
  • Miguel Alberto Vera Quipuzco Universidad César Vallejo, Lima, Perú


Objective Examination, Based Problems Learning, Interdisciplinary, BPL


The objective of the present research was to be applicable and to examine the results of a new examination ( EMOE ) of morphology , of character objective and structured in order to evaluate its academicals performance .The study of prospective and experimental type was carried out to 31 students of medicine who took Summer's cycle of Morphology of the Module II of University Cesar Vallejo of Trujillo .To the muestral group, first was applied Morphology's traditional exam ,and then it was taken the objective exam morphology (EMOE) . The notes obtained in both examinations were compared and we founded that the percentage of approbated students and the average note were significantly greater in the integrated exam than the obtained with the traditional exam (61 % vs. 16 % and 10, 7 points vs. 7, 7 points, respectively), finding besides that students had 84 % of approval of this type of exam. It is concluded that this objective and structured exam evaluates the academic performance better than the traditional exam in the pupils that carried Morphology.


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How to Cite

Araujo Pajares, J. I., & Vera Quipuzco, M. A. (2006). Comparison of a structured objective evaluation (EMOE) with the traditional evaluation in the area of morphology of modulate II. school of Medicine. Vallejian Medical Journal, 3(2), 107–117. Retrieved from



Medical Education