Personality, mental functions and performance academic in university




Personality, Mental Functions, Academic Performance, University Students


The negative effects of low academic performance in university students, as well as for higher education institutions in Mexico, today represents a problem to which an efficient solution has not been found for both; The present research aims at the correlation of cognitive and personality factors on academic performance in university students. Data that will allow the Educational Guidance departments of the universities to identify aspects in the students for their comprehensive support. Under the theoretical postulates of Clinical Psychology for the topic of personality, the postulates of Educational Psychology for the topic of cognitive functions and academic performance from the perspective that integrates pedagogy, psychology and sociology. The results allow to affirm the significant correlation that exists between Depression- Gender and Depression-Concentration, Gender-Difficulty for work and Gender-Attention, Anxiety-Attention, Difficulty for work-Attention and Difficulty for work-Concentration.


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How to Cite

Pérez Chávez, V. (2021). Personality, mental functions and performance academic in university. Espergesia, 8(1), 51–61.