Lyrical Analysis in Luis Cernuda and Federico García Lorca, Attached to the Thematic Heteronomy of the Generation of 27




Generation of 27, Surrealism, Lyrical analysis, Iberian poetry, Worldview


This paper analyzes the poems of Luis Cernuda and Federico Garcia Lorca that belong to the generation of 27, a group of Spanish writers that emerged in the early twentieth century, which is distinguished by the immediate accessibility that arise for the readers of its epoch, since they adequately adapted the poetics of literary modernism, which strongly opposed to static determinism and structuralism of language as expression. The purpose of this study is to perceive the variants, product of the contrast of categories, which are patented from the extraction of the topics typical of the verses, and then corroborate with the immanent paradigms of surrealism, which are exposed in the manifestos of Andre Breton, along with the worldview adopted by Octavio Paz and Paul Illie.


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How to Cite

Delgado Del Aguila, J. M. (2021). Lyrical Analysis in Luis Cernuda and Federico García Lorca, Attached to the Thematic Heteronomy of the Generation of 27. Espergesia, 8(1), 1–12.