An Epistemological Approach to Pedagogical and Andragogical Education in Virtual Environments




This essay aims to establish a dialogue between the concepts of pedagogy and andragogy, initially delimiting childhood education and adult education, respectively. This dialogue takes place through the ability to incorporate the use of technology in both fields to generate conditions for meaningful learning. However, the essay also highlights how the term pedagogy underpins a much more solid epistemological tradition than andragogy. It is necessary to rethink and update this field of knowledge in order to move towards a new understanding of adult learning that does not have to be dichotomous with pedagogy, but rather integrative. The research-action methodology offers the possibility of continuing to generate educational research and aligns with the field of educational innovation by integrating digital tools to promote educational innovation. Additionally, virtual education offers the possibility of generating an interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary dialogue with educational projects that enable “Lifelong Learning.”

Keywords: Pedagogy; Andragogy; Virtual Education; Research-Action.


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How to Cite

Chura-Quispe, G., Miranda Becerra, J. N., & Escobar Alvarez, G. R. (2023). An Epistemological Approach to Pedagogical and Andragogical Education in Virtual Environments. Espergesia, 10(1), 90–102.