César Vallejo: the (ab)negated avant-garde. Dilemmas and contradictions around the "new sensibility" of the twenties





The present work belongs to the cultural history and history of ideas. From this perspective, the article proposes an analysis of what was called "new sensibility," focusing on the life and literary work of César Vallejo, one of the writers who best expressed the course –intellectual and artistic– of the Latin American avant-gardes. In this sense, the article analyzes the dilemmas and debates that developed among the avant-garde movements in Latin America during the twenties of the last century around the status of art, poetry, and the writer's role. The interest in César Vallejo is to rescue one of the most important figures of Latin American literature of the twenties, to investigate his poetry and narrative, but also in the field of the author's daily life, his militancy, his jobs as a salaried employee, his political life, his journalistic production, and thus obtain a dynamic and experiential portrait of César Vallejo.

Keywords: César Vallejo; Latin American Avant-Gardes; New Sensibility; Cultural History, The Twenties.


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How to Cite

Iglesias, F. (2022). César Vallejo: the (ab)negated avant-garde. Dilemmas and contradictions around the "new sensibility" of the twenties. Espergesia, 9(2), 67–78. https://doi.org/10.18050/rev.espergesia.v9i2.2330